Nine Lives in a Deck Design Competition

The 2nd Annual Deck Design Competition hosted over on inspired me to create a poker size version of Nine Lives playing cards. With my favourite number being 3, I see this deck as a compliment to both the original size playing cards and the tarot deck …

Nine Lives Poker Size Playing cards

Playing Cards by Annette Abolins
The (6mm) wider card size has enabled me to take advantage of the extra canvas, resulting in some minor additions and alterations throughout the deck. One difference in this deck, is that the royal cards (or courts)  have no borders. I also had a long conversation with the Knights, who agreed (in the name of honour and valour at the card table)  to accept the letter ‘J’ to represent their cards.

The Contest and how to Vote

I haven’t thought beyond the contest as far as printing or funding goes, though if you like the look of the deck; anyone who registers on the forum is eligible to vote – and who knows… :) The winning design will have 36 doz decks printed by the Expert Playing Card Company, a fantastic opportunity for one deck to become reality … You can visit the forum and view more examples in the design and development section. Voting will take place between 05-12 August:

The official entry stage has JUST opened, it will close on the 5th August when voting begins (1 vote per member). Stay tuned for links and updates as the contest progresses :)

Two Jokers

Another change is that this deck features a second Joker, also a ‘signature card’ … The new joker has a ‘reversed’ colour scheme of green and red, representing artist with her palette board and the now more grown-up namesake cat:

Nine Lives poker cards 2 Jokers

Thank you for visiting and take care

Annette :)

2 thoughts on “Nine Lives in a Deck Design Competition”

  1. I DID try to vote (I registered with Playing Cards and everything), but the site was extremely difficult to navigate, and nowhere could I find a place where I could vote. At least the thought was there, and you definitely get my vote even if it is a kind of virtual vote. I will be thinking of you, and I hope that you do really well; in fact, I hope that you win.

    • So sorry about the confusion – I’ve updated my post to include a bit more information. Voting is only open between 05-12 August (so not yet), and official entries have JUST opened … though there are several deck artists who have posted their designs in the ‘design and development’ area on the forum. Thanks for your support – having a virtual vote is pretty special too :)

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